Wednesday 3 July 2019


Topic: Nutrition
Worksheet – II
VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS                                                          [1 mark each]
1.      Define: Peristaltic movement
2.      What is the role of saliva in digestion of the food?
3.      What is emulsification?
4.      Where does digestion of fat takes place in our body?
5.      State the location and the functions of the gastric glands.
6.      What is the role of acid in our stomach?
7.      State the functions of digestive enzymes.
8.      Mention the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in human.
9.      Name the green dot-like structures in some cells observed by student when a leaf peel was viewed under a microscope. What is this green colour due to?
10.  In the experiment “light is necessary for photosynthesis” why does uncovered part of the leaf turn blue-blank after putting iodine solution?
11.  Mention how the organisms like bread mould and mushrooms obtain their food?
12.  What is the mode of nutrition in human beings?
13.  Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis?
14.  How do autotrophs take CO2 and N2 to make their food?
15.  Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digestion of proteins?
Which enzyme present in saliva breaks down starch?
17.  What are the outside raw materials used by an organism?
Study the following diagram:
Name the parts labelled ‘A’ and ‘B’ and state the function of each

SHORT ANSWER TYPE-I                                                                                          [2 marks each]

1.      What are the final products of carbohydrates and proteins?
2.      What is saliva? State its role in digestion of food.
3.      Explain the process of nutrition in amoeba.
4.      Given below the experimental set-up to establish that one of the atmospheric gases is necessary for photosynthesis in plants.  
a)      Name the atmospheric gas which is essential for photosynthesis.
b)      What is kept in watch glass and why?
5.      How are fats digested in our body? Where does this process take place?
6.      How is small intestine designed to absorb digested food?
7.      Draw the diagram of an open stomatal pore of a leaf and label on it chloroplast and guard cells.
8.      Is nutrition a necessity for an organism? Discuss.
9.      Which is the internal energy reserve in plants? Do animals have the same energy reserve?
10.  What would happen if green plants disappear from the earth?
11.  Why does herbivores have longer small intestine than carnivore?
12.  Mention the site of complete digestion in our body? Name the end products formed on complete digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
13.  Explain the significance of peristaltic movement that occur all along the gut during digestion.
14.  Why does medium become acidic in mouth? what is the ill effect of acidic medium in mouth? How can this be prevented?
15.  What function is served by the following?
a.       Gastric sphincter
b.      Anal sphincter
16.  Some finger-like projections are present in the inner wall of small intestine. Write their names? Why are they important?   

SHORT ANSWER TYPE-II                                                                                         [3 marks each]

1.      State differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.
2.      Write the events that occur during photosynthesis.
3.      State the necessary conditions for autotrophic nutrition and name the by product. Mention the source of this by product.
4.      Describe the heterotrophic nutrition and give its examples. Name the three types of this nutrition.
5.      Where does digestion start in alimentary canal? Name the enzyme secreted in that part and write its functions.
6.      Name the three different glands associated with the digestive system in human. Also name their secretions.
7.      A) Name the extensively coiled structure of alimentary canal.
B) Compare the length of small intestine in herbivores and carnivores
8.      In human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food. Explain the process of digestion in it.  
9.      The inner linings of the small intestine has numerous finger-like projections. What are they called? List their functions.
10.  Name the following.
a.       Where food is completely digested?
b.      Juice that contains trypsin enzyme
c.       Gland that secrets bile juice
d.      Part that absorbs water from undigested food
e.       Two secretions released by gastric glands
11.  A) List two functions performed by dilute HCl in stomach.
B) Name the raw materials required for photosynthesis.  
12.  List the role of each of the following in digesting food.
a.       Muscles of walls of stomach
b.      HCl
c.       Mucus 
13.  Explain the role of bile juice in digestion of food. Name the enzymes present in pancreatic juice and give their functions.
14.  A. State two sources from which plants obtain Nitrogen for synthesis of proteins and other components.
B. Name the process by which autotrophs prepare their own food.

LONG ANSWERS TYPE QUESTIONS                                                                     [5 marks each]
1.      a. Draw a diagram to show open stomatal pore and label on it (i) guard cell and (ii) chloroplast
b. State two functions of stomata 
c. how do guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pore? 
2.      A. Draw a diagram depicting human alimentary canal and label on it: gall bladder, liver, pancreas
B. State the roles of liver and pancreas
C. Name the organ which performs following functions in human
i. absorption of digested food
ii. absorption of water 
3.      A. Draw a diagram to show nutrition in amoeba and label the parts used for this purpose. Mention any other purpose served by this part other than nutrition.
B. Name the glands associated with digestion of starch in human digestive tract and mention their role.
C. How is the required pH maintained in stomach and small intestine?  
4.      A. What are the raw materials used during photosynthesis ? write chemical equation for photosynthesis.
B. leaves of a healthy potted plant are covered with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for longer time? State 3 reasons for your answer.             
5.      A.  Describe an experiment to show that ‘ sunlight is essential for photosynthesis’
6.      Explain the process of digestion in mouth, stomach and small intestine in human body.
7.      A. State the form in which the following are stored
i.                    Unused carbohydrates in plants
ii.                  The energy derived from food in humans
B. how does paramecium obtain its food?

Topic: Respiration


VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS                                                          [1 mark each]

1.      Give one reason why multicellular organisms require special organs for exchange of gases between their body and their environment?
2.      Name the intermediate and end products of glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration.
3.      Why do aquatic animals breathe faster than terrestrial?
4.      What advantage over aquatic organism does terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining oxygen for respiration?
5.      Name the two ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms.
SHORT ANSWER TYPE-I                                                                                          [2 marks each]

1.      How are alveoli designed to maximise the exchange of gases?
2.      In the test tube A and B, yeast was kept in sugar solution. Which products of respiration would you expect in tubes A and B?
3.      Write one feature which is common to each of the following pairs of terms/organs.
i.                    Glycogen and starch
ii.                  Chlorophyll and haemoglobin
iii.                Gills and lungs
iv.                Arteries and veins

SHORT ANSWER TYPE-II                                                                                         [3 marks each]
1.      A. ‘The breathing cycle is a rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a continuous process’ justify
B. Name the two ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms.
2.      Explain tthe breakdown of glucose in cell
i.                    In presence of oxygen
ii.                  In absence of oxygen
3.      Write any 3 differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

LONG ANSWERS TYPE QUESTIONS                                                                     [5 marks each]
1.      A. Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label on it
i. Larynx          ii. Trachea        iii. Lungs        iv. Bronchi
B. why do the walls of the trachea not collapse when there is less air in it?
2.      A. Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label the following  
i.                     Part where air is filtered by fine hair and mucus
ii.                  Part which terminates in balloon like structures
iii.                Balloons like structures where gases exchange
iv.                Part which separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity
 B. Why is the rate of breathing much faster than terrestrial animals?
3.      A. Draw a labelled diagram of respiratory system of human being with diaphragm at the end of expiration
B. List four conditions required for efficient gas exchange in an organism. 
4.      A. Complete the glucose breakdown pathway in case of aerobic respiration by filling the blanks
Glucose à (in cytoplasm) à ......1..... + .......2......
                                   ......3.....          .....4......

                                                 .....5..... + .....6..... + energy
B. Name the molecule in the cell which stores the energy produced at the end of the pathway.
C. Why do we get cramps during vigorous muscular activity?                 

5.      What is meant by breathing ? what happens to the rate of breathing during vigorous exercise and why?

Topic: Transportation & Excretion
Worksheet – I
VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS                                            [1 mark each]
1.      Name the component of blood that helps in formation of blood clot in the event of a cut.
2.      What happens to a plant if its xylem is removed?
3.      Name the tissue that transports the soluble products of the photosynthesis in the plant.
4.      What process in plants is known transpiration?
5.      Name the tissue that transports water and minerals in the plants.
6.      What is osmoregulation?
7.      Which organ synthesises urea?
8.      What are excretory units of kidneys?
9.      What causes liquid part of blood to filtrer out from glomerulus into renal tubule?
10.  What is transported by lymph?
11.  Name the components of blood that transports
i.                    Food, CO2 and nitrogenous waste 
ii.                  Oxygen
12.  Name the process of loss of water in the form of water vapour from aerial parts of the plants.
13.  Why is wall of ventricle thicker than the walls of atria?
14.  Name the largest artery in the human body.
15.  What is translocation?
16.  Name two processes that are responsible for urine formation.
17.  Name the respiratory pigment in human.
18.  Name the factors on which the amount of water reabsorbed along the tubular part of nephron depend on. 
19.  What happens to the glucose that enters the nephron along with the filtrate?

Topic: Transportation & Excretion
Worksheet – II
SHORT ANSWER TYPE-I                                                                             [2 marks each]
1.       What is the advantage of four chambered heart in human?
2.      Why is blood circulation in human is called double circulation?
3.      Why do veins have thin walls than arteries?
4.      Differentiate between blood and lymph.
5.      How is the process of transpiration useful to plants?
6.      State the differences between transport of materials in xylem and phloem.
7.      Name the materials transported by the following.
i.                    Xylem
ii.                  Pulmonary artery
iii.                Pulmonary vein
iv.                phloem
8.      Which mechanism plays an important role in transportation of water in plants? 
i.                    During day time
ii.                  During night time
9.      What is translocation? How it takes place in plants?
10.  Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated blood from deoxygenated blood in mammals and plants?
11.  Write one feature of which is common in each of the following pairs of terms/organs.
i.                    Glycogen and starch
ii.                  Chlorophyll and haemoglobin
iii.                Gills and lungs
12.  Write one function of each of the following component of transport system in human
i.                    Blood vessels
ii.                  Blood platelets
iii.                Lymph
iv.                Heart  
13.   Tabulate differences between arteries and veins.
14.  Describe in brief the function of kidneys, Ureter, urinary bladder and urethra.
15.  list four conditions required for efficient gas exchange in an organism   

Topic: Transportation & Excretion
Worksheet – III
SHORT ANSWER TYPE-II                                                                            [3 marks each]
1.      List three kinds of blood vessels in human circulatory system and write one function of each of them.
2.      What happens if circulatory system develops leak? State in brief, how could it be avoided?
3.      Draw a diagram of front view of heart and label six parts including at least two that are concerned with arterial blood supply to the heart muscle.
4.      Label any four parts in given diagram.
5.      What is double circulation in human beings? Why is it necessary?
6.      Define transpiration and state its two functions.
7.      Explain:
i.                    Blood goes once through the heart in fishes.
ii.                  Plants have low energy needs.
iii.                What are capillaries?
8.      a. What is lymph?
b. How is composition of lymph different from plasma?
c. List any two functions of lymphatic system.
9.      Describe the process of double circulation in human.
10.  i. Mention the site of exchange of materials between the blood and surrounding cells.
ii.  Draw a schematic representation of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in human.    
11.  What would be the consequences of deficiency of haemoglobin in our body ?
12.    ‘Stomata remains closed in desert plants during day time’ how do they photosynthesis? 
13.    Draw a labelled diagram of human excretory system. List two vital functions of kidneys.
14.    Draw a labelled diagram of excretory unit of human kidney. Write the importance of structural and functional unit of kidneys.
15.  A. How is urine produced?           b. name two excretory products other than O2 and CO2
16.  State the functions of the following components of the transport system
a.       Blood                               b. Lymph  

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