Thursday 29 September 2016


1. Define afforestation. [1]
2. Why coal is called fossil fuel? [1]
3. Why is fuel oil better than coal for industrial use? [2]
4. Why is water necessary for living organisms? [2]
5. What are the reasons for conservation of forest and wildlife? [2]
6. Mention the disadvantages of dams. [2]
7. What are the effects of deforestation? [3]
8. What is meant by water table? Why is it important? [3]
9. What are the benefits of water harvesting? [3]
10. Name the stakeholders of forests. [3]
11. Define recycling. Give one example. [1]
12. Who was Amrita devi? [1]
13. Why has it become necessary to look for inexhaustible energy sources? [2]
14. What is the difference between exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources?[2]
15. Name four modes of traditional water harvesting at the community level. [2]
16. What is the advantage of exploiting resources with short term aim? [2]
17. How are water resources managed and consumed? [3]
18. Write any three steps that you would take for sustainable development of the environment.[3]
19. What are different ways to reduce consumption of the various natural resources?[3]
20. What are the problems faced by construction of large dams? [3]
21. What is rain water harvesting? [1]
22. Define a resource. [1]
23. Why wildlife is important to us? [2]
24. What is difference between deforestation and afforestation? [2]
25. Name four alternatives to mega projects like dams. [2]
26. What do you meant by conservation management? [2]
27. List three things which increase pressure on our natural resources. [3]
28. What are the factors to check the quality of water? [3]
29. What changes can you make in your habits to become more environments friendly?[3]
30. What are results of chipko movement? [3]
31. Mention one major effect due to deforestation? [1]
32. Name two fossil fuels. [1]
33. What are the disadvantages of using coal and petroleum? [2]
34. What is GAP? Explain. [2]
35. Write steps to conserve energy. [2]
36. Mention two causes of over- exploitation of natural resources. [2]
37. Explain in detail the three R’s in the process of saving the environment. [3]
38. What are the benefits of water harvesting? [3]
39. Why there should be equitable distribution of our resources? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources. [3]
40. With the help of an example explain how participation of local people is useful for conservation of forest. [3]
41. 1. What is biodiversity? (1mark)
42. Define silviculture. (1mark)
43. What is Ganga Action Plan? (1mark)
44. What do you mean by water harvesting? (1mark)
45. What is the need of managing our resources? (2marks)
46. Explain social problems associated with the construction of dams. (2marks)
47. What are various advantages of water stored in the ground? (2 marks)
48. What is meant by global warming? (2 marks)
49. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment friendly?Suggest atleast three changes. (3marks)
50. State the advantages of constructing dams across the rivers. (3marks)
51. What are the methods adopted for retention of water? (3marks)
52. What steps should be taken for the conservation of wild life? (5marks)
53. Write the steps which can be taken to conserve energy resources like coal and petroleum.(5marks)

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