Thursday 29 September 2016


1. State Archimedes Principle? [2]
2. What is the upthrust experienced by a cube of edge – length 5cm made of iron when completely immersed in ethanol of density 0.8 g/cm3 [3]
3. If cross – sectional area of an object is more than the pressure applied by the external force is :-
(a) Less (b) More (c) Remains same (d) None of the above. [1]
4. Units of Relative Density are :-
(a) Kg/m3 (c) Depends on the density of the substance (b) Unit less (d) Depend on the density of water [1]
5. Pressure at a point in the liquid is (a) Same in all directions (b) Greater in the upward direction (c) Grater in the downward direction (d) None of the Above [1]
6. If the area of an object is less then the pressure acting on that object will be (a) Less (b) More (c) Independent of area (d) None of the above [1]
7. Define Pressure? How is thrust different from Pressure? [2]
8. What are fluids? What are the factors on which the upward pressure at a point on a fluid depends? [2]
9. Define density and relative density? [2]
10. Calculate the pressure at a depth of 50m below the surface of sea. The density of sea water is 1024 Kg/m3. [2]
11. What makes a body to float or sink in a liquid? [3]
12. A block of wood tied to the bottom of water tank as shown. The wooden block exerts tension, on the wire tied to it. The dimension of the block are 20cm × 20cm × 40cm. The density of the wood is 600Kg/m3. What is the tension in the wire? [3]
              I               I -----> BLOCK OF WOOD
              I               I
              I_______ I
                    I_I -----------> LEAD ATTACHED TO IT
13. The weight of balloon and gas inside it is 12KN. The volume of the balloon is 1200m3. The density of air is 1.26 Kg/m3. Calculate a) the weight it can lift b) the acceleration as it rises. [3]
14. A cylindrical block of wood of height 4.2m and mass 100Kg floats vertically in water. The relative density of wood is 0.8
1) What height of the block will be seen above the water ?
2) If block of lead of mass 10kg is placed, what height of the block will be seen above water? [3]
15. S. I. unite of Pressure :- (a) Nm2 (b) N/m2 (c) Nm (d) N/m [1]
16. What will be the up thrust experienced by a balloon of volume 120m3 filled with hydrogen. The density of air = 1.140 Kg/m3 and density of hydrogen = 0.081Kg/m3 at room temperature. What is the maximum weight this balloon can lift? [3]

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